Casey Clack is an international female voice actor and narrator, providing premiere voiceover services across multiple genres. A trained thespian, experienced educator, incorrigible improviser, and multi-media art maker, Casey is an all-around creative and a storyteller through and through.

Working full-time from her broadcast quality home studio in Chicago, Casey is able to provide pristine audio with a quick turnaround, for clients around the world.

“Casey is an exceptional talent and we had a great time working with her on our podcast needs. From clear and easy communication to a live recording session, Casey has provided us with everything we need quickly and in high quality. Looking forward to doing more projects with her in the future, highly recommend!”

- Alina M


From around the world to the girl next door...

Casey grew up in South Africa, and has since lived all around the US and UK. Travel is in her blood. In addition to her performing career, Casey is also a dedicated educator. As a former teacher of English and Drama, and a youth theatre director, Casey is passionate about sharing her love of learning, literature and the arts with children and young adults.

Casey is completely authentic and effortlessly versatile, with life experiences that allow her to shift between characters and genres with ease. Ever the chameleon, her warm, down to earth voice reflects the many places she calls home and the many hats she wears.

The roles Casey plays in her own life, perfectly fit some of the most common specks in voiceover. She is. . .

  • the best friend: funny and cool, with the perfect amount of snark

  • the mom: caring, trustworthy, and fun

  • the outdoorswoman: gravelly, textured, and grounded

  • the teacher: knowledgeable, engaging, and authoritative

  • the performer: expressive, playful, and vulnerable

  • the traveler: worldly, friendly, and unique

  • the artist: quirky, vibrant, and delightfully unexpected

  • the girl next door: young, authentic, and down-to-earth

A versatile voice with global appeal

Some actors are multilingual, Casey is multi-dialectal. Just as someone who grows up multilingual can switch between languages with perfect fluency, Casey’s international upbringing allows her to move seamlessly between her authentic dialects, and easily master new ones.

Depending on where you meet her, you may know Casey as the. . .

  • all-american girl

  • South African expat

  • slightly-British-Brit

  • transatlantic jet-setter with that accent you can’t quite place

    (Casey refers to this as her “everywhere accent” and it’s perfect for reaching a global audience!)

“Casey’s voice is rich and warm, and her reads are always engaging. She is very easy to work with, and has saved the day by accommodating our needs on very short notice. I highly recommend working with Casey.”

- Kim P.

Voiceover Services

Casey’s favorite thing about voiceover is the variety. She is delighted by the fact that in a single day she could play the roles of “quirky neighbor”, “edgy granny”, “authoritative cardiologist”, “sassy toddler”, “international executive”, “in-the-know influencer”, and “hideous goblin with lifelong dreams of being a florist”.

Casey’s favorite genres include. . .

  • commercial

  • animation

  • video games

  • narration

  • explainer

  • audiobooks

  • audiodrama

  • eLearning

  • toys & games

  • and more!

“Casey has such spirit and range in her approach that each time we work together I am inspired by the overall experience. It is always an absolute pleasure working with her.

Regardless of the topic, Casey speaks with such knowledge and confidence that I believe whatever she is telling me! Her narration is so natural and feels so real.”

- Patricia H.

Studio Specs

Casey’s happy place is her cozy, custom built, broadcast quality home studio, featuring. . .

  • Synco Mic-D2 Hypercardioid Shotgun

  • CAD Trion 8000 Multi-Pattern Condenser Tube Mic

  • Scarlett Solo Interface

  • Adobe Audition

  • iZotope Rx10

  • Mogami Gold 4-Conductor Microphone Cables

  • Macbook Air M1 (16 gig)

  • Hard wired internet connection

Casey breaks down her process. . .

Getting started is a piece of cake! Just fill out the form below (or book your complimentary 15 minute consultation here). Provide as much info as possible about your project. Some helpful details are length, usage, market, budget & timeline. I’ll look it over and get back to you with a quote (usually the same day).

After we’ve firmed up the details and made it official, you have two options. You can schedule a live, directed session, during which we will meet via the online platform of your choosing (Skype, Zoom, Google Meets, Source Connect, carrier pigeon, two tin cans and a very long string…let me know what you need and we’ll make it happen!) You can give me real-time feedback, and we can do a few takes, to get you that “just right” read that brings your vision to life. Alternatively, you can send me your script, along with the specs, and I’ll record independently on my end and send over the files for your approval. My turnaround time for most jobs is within 24 hours, sometimes even same-day.


US rates are typically based on the GVAA rate guide, while international rates are based on the Gravy for the Brain rate guide. But every project is different, so the best way to figure out the cost of yours is to request a custom quote.

No job is too big or too small. Let's work together!


I'm ready to chat when you are!
(312) 725-3305

Schedule a Complementary Consultation